Building a custom thermostat
So at i3, one issue we have is people leaving the thermostats on high temepratures and going home.
So we built our own into the automation system.
Stuff Mark Does
So at i3, one issue we have is people leaving the thermostats on high temepratures and going home.
So we built our own into the automation system.
We are seeing mysterious button presses on one of our iot lightswitches at i3.
Herein lies the debugging so far.
Notifications are useful when services fail.
Sadly, they often get sent to root@
, where they don't get read because nobody sets up their mta.
nullmailer to the rescue.
One thing I've wanted for a while is a USB keyboard with a trackpoint.
I made a good start with an atmega32u4 on an arduino micro board.
I wanted a small programmable keypad. It's primary purpose was to be media keys for a model M that needed to be cleaned and bolt modded, but now that I use a (different) model M, I finished the project.
So I wanted the flip clock, and took pictures because the last flip clock we found didn’t quite make sense as to how it went together, so this may help some poor fuck in the future.
Really more of a test post to get this blog off the ground, but today I made a power supply for a hard drive out of some 12v power brick by soldering in a LM78M05 to add a 5v rail.