UWB Qorvo DW3XXX family notes

posted (updated )

SEE ALSO: UWB Literature Review


Decawave was bought by qorvo in 2020 and moved from open source to binary drivers early in the life of the DWM3XXX family

The DW1000 family was well recieved by many, but the more recent DWM3XXX family's binary driver has frustated many

These notes are focused on the DW3XXX family

docs from qorvo

Libs from qorvo/decawave

zips from qorvo

developer guides


the lowest level code to interface with board over spi

DW3000 C0 Device Driver Version 04.00.00
DW3xxx Driver version 06.00.07
DW3XXX Device Driver Version 06.00.14

UWB stack

UWB Stack has UWB MAC APIs and UCI APIs

has some references to FIRA stuff

I think UWB MAC is referring to MAC layer, UCI is a spec for MCU -> UWB tranciever comms(FiRa® UWB Command Interface (UCI) Technical Specification v2.0.0 looks like a nice spec but I can't have it right now)

no bluetooth discovery stuff

./QM33120WDK1/DW3_QM33_SDK/Doc/ and ./DWM3001CDK DK/DWM3001CDK_SDK/Doc/ have UWB-Stack-R11.9.2.pdf

It seems better to consider this a part of the DW3_QM33_SDK

UWB Stack R11.9.2 October 2022


in both DWM3001CDK DK and QM33120WDK1, and contains UWB Stack and the DW3XXX API FreeRTOS segger thingy

can actually do uwb ranging


existing software stuff