UWB Literature Review in 2024
posted (updated )
Trying to get a sense of the state of UWB in 2024
use case I'm focused on
- cheap UWB nodes we need the location and sensor data from
- expensive mobile gateway UWB nodes with GNSS and LTE that need to report the locations of all nodes
- Nodes will report status towards gateway
- nice to have: ability for phones to be the gateway nodes
Literature Review
Literature Review Review
- An Overview of UWB Standards and Organizations (IEEE 802.15.4, FiRa, Apple): Interoperability Aspects and Future Research Directions
- Great overview of standards gropus and OSI model stuff
- Required reading for background I'm not providing here
- standards changes since then
- fira 2 came out 2023, not really sure what changed
- omlox 2 2023, didn't look into this
- Great overview of standards gropus and OSI model stuff
- Applications of UWB Networks and Positioning to Autonomous Robots and Industrial Systems
- focused on robots, but a lot of the same mesh localization needs
- The state of uwb in 2024 (pozyx blog post)
- some notes on recent standards changes
- RPL Routing Protocol over IoT: A Comprehensive Survey, Recent Advances, Insights, Bibliometric Analysis, Recommendations, and Future Directions
RPL builds and maintains a Destination-Oriented Directed Acyclic Graph (DODAG) topology that originates from a designated RPL root node
- This could be useful if all nodes repeating to everyone cause congestion
Relevant Standards
- IEEE 802.15.4-2020 and
IEEE 802.15.4z-2020
- define PHY and MAC for many things, UWB included
- FIRA also has specs for PHY/MAC, but they're apparently the same?
- FiRa specs that might be relevant
- FiRa® UWB Command Interface (UCI) Technical Specification v2.0.0
- communication protocol between the UWB Subsystem (UWBS) and the Host
- FiRa® Common Service & Management Layer (CSML) Technical Specification
- FiRa® UWB host framework and application programming interfaces between other host components, a secure component, and FiRa-enabled applications
- FiRa® Secure UWB Service (SUS) API Technical Specification v1.0.0
- external reference interfaces between a secure component and a UWBS and the internal interface between a service applet and the SUS applet
- FiRa® Bluetooth® Low Energy Out-of-Band (OOB) Channel Technical Specification v.1.0.0
- FiRa® UWB Command Interface (UCI) Technical Specification v2.0.0
- Apple Nearby Interaction Accessory Protocol Specification
- implement BLE gatt service, phone connects, some data exchange via that, phone initiates ranging
- RFC 6550: RPL: IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks
Cool Papers
- SRAC: Simultaneous Ranging and Communication in UWB Networks
- very relevant, mesh & localization
- integrated into RIOT OS, an RTOS which only has drivers for dw1000
- Autocalibration of a Mobile UWB Localization System for Ad-Hoc Multi-Robot Deployments in GNSS-Denied Environments
- very relevant, moving anchors!
- SnapLoc: An Ultra-Fast UWB-Based Indoor Localization System for an Unlimited Number of Tags
- anchor broadcasts and all nodes in range respond so it can get multiple responses faster
- Comparing Decawave and Bespoon UWB location systems: indoor/outdoor performance analysis
- antenna matters
- Location-Aware Point-to-Point RPL in Indoor IR-UWB Networks
- proposed location aware P2P-RPL algorithm, better than spec P2P-RPL or ER-RPL for performance and overhead
- 3D Void Handling Geographic P2P-RPL for Indoor Multi-Hop IR-UWB Networks
- proposed location aware P2P-RPL algorithm, better than spec P2P-RPL or ER-RPL for performance and overhead
- Towards Large-Scale Relative Localization in Multi-Robot Systems with Dynamic UWB Role Allocation
- dynamic role allocation would be useuful to us cause we need constant ranging
- Anchor self-localization algorithm based on UWB ranging and inertial measurements
- Accurate position tracking with a single UWB anchor
- single known anchor, mobile rover with imu
Definitions and resources
- HRP vs LRP: high rate pulse low rate pulse, we only care about high
- lower frequency better range, but lower frequencies don't have regulatory acceptance
- uwb spectrum legality across the world
- this is why FIRA says use specific channels