├── README.md
├── notes -> /notes/index.md: list of notes
│ ├── some.md -> /notes/some/
│ └── notes.md -> /notes/notes/
├── blog -> /blog/index.html: list of blog posts
│ ├── posts.something
│ │ └── bunch of small posts in one file for stuff I don't think is worth
│ │ it's own file
│ │ I expect stuff like "cool updates to notes/something"
│ └── 2023-11-17-blog-layout.md -> /blog/blog-layout/
│ supports redirectFrom for old URLs
└── lyrics -> /lyrics/index.html: list of files
└── artist-song.md -> /lyrics/artist-song/
$pageTitle @ Things Of Interest
Chris's Wiki :: $slug
$date $pageTitle
, most categories are ELM - $category
AGMLego Blog · $pageTitle -- $date
jwz: $pageTitle
$pageTitle - Schneier on Security
$pageTitle - a post on Tom Francis' blog
$pageTitle - Charlie's Diary
$pageTitle - Krebs on Security
$pageTitle - BLDBLOG
are all very similar