USB PD multi-voltage trigger
posted (updated )
I needed USB PD to barrel jack with multiple voltages.
This project was started when Deviant Ollam posted a video about using a USB PD trigger to barrel adapter with a barrel adapter kit instead of sorting through a bin of power bricks. The issue was that USB PD trigger only output 19V, which not all devices will tolerate.
So I found this USB PD trigger module with solder jumpers for voltage and made a shitty enclosure for it.
You short the three pads to make different voltages.
Voltage│Short pad
Just threw it together, it worked fine:
I got a friend to model something close to good enough in fusion 360, and then I edited in blender to adjust for tolerances.
The hardest part was soldering the tiny wires to the pads without shorting anything.
- put 30AWG wires on the trigger module
- glue the wires down (by the end I had found that superglue worked the best because hot glue left too much of a bump)
- put the dip switch and voltmeter and trigger module in the enclosure
- trim wires to length to reach the DIP switch
- strip wires
- solder wires
- put in wires for voltmeter
- Tune voltmeter so it's a bit above instead of a bit below (showing 8.9V for 9V is more annoying than showing 9.1V)
- Pot dip switch in epoxy or superglue or hot glue
- put in output wires (14AWG speaker wire was just what I had lying around)
- glue in display and dip swith with something fast curing (my first one had epoxy leak out the front and look bad)
- pot the back with epoxy
Next Steps
I did monday evening when I was leaving tuesday afternoon for defcon, so it could be a lot better
- label switches with voltage table
- better enclosure
- less glue, actual back
- A more permanent barrel jack (the non-screw ones I had couldn't fit the 14AWG)
If anyone wants to help improve this I'm happy to update this post with better stuff and credit you.
- USB PD trigger module with solder jumpers for voltage
- random voltmeter
- random dip switches I had lying around
- 30AWG wire
- Bigger output wire (I had 14AWG speaker wire)