Notes on extracting SVG from SWF
I Found a flash thing with a vector I wanted, how to do this in 2024 was a little annoying to work out.
Tools required:
- swftools
- tools for extracting stuff from SWFs
- building: download repo, make changes, build
- swf-convert
- convert extracted assets to svg
- just download the jar
building swftools
Gotta fix a warning about comparing a pointer to a number:
< if(pos1=0)
> if(pos1 != NULL)
< else if(pos2>=0)
> else if(pos2 != NULL)
Because of the way they build each lib separate then link, tell linker to ignore multiple defines, it's probably fine (worked for me!)
LDFLAGS="-z muldefs" CFLAGS=-ggdb ./configure
find interesting paths
swfextract gives a list of paths, manually edit it and
for i in $paths; do ../swftools-0.9.2/src/swfextract ../whatever.swf -i "$i" -o "$i.swf" && ../swftools-0.9.2/src/swfrender "$i.swf" -o "$i.png"; done
Look at the output pngs to find which IDs we want.
turn paths into svg
java -jar ../swf-convert.jar svg $id.swf
outputs $id.svg