Resizing luks encryped lvm
posted (updated )
debian installer picks insane defaults like 1GiB swap or 500ish MiB /boot
some definitions:
- Physical Volume (PV): This can be created on a whole physical disk (think /dev/sda) or a Linux partition.
- Volume Group (VG): This is made up of at least one or more physical volumes.
- Logical Volume (LV): This is sometimes referred to as the partition, it sits within a volume group and has a file system written to it.
- File System: A file system such as ext4 will be on the logical volume.
- Physical Extent (PE): unit shown by vgdisplay, kinda block size todo research
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/nvme0n1p3 foo
lvreduce -r --size -${whatever}GiB /dev/mapper/azura--vg-root
vgchange -a n
cryptsetup luksClose foo
gparted /dev/nvme0n1
#now gparted can shrink luks with pv, but can't fuck with lvs
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/nvme0n1p3 foo
#extents are the number shown by vgdisplay, before the GiB number
lvextend --extents +$something /dev/mapper/azura--vg-swap_1
sudo mkswap /dev/mapper/azura--vg-swap_1
i wrote this in vim from a phone maybe i should have enabled mouse