Frsky communications intro

posted (updated )

Adventures in connecting an RC transmitter to an arduino.

Tables of Overview

Communication Protocols between receiver and MCU

Firmware/communication stuff between transmitter and receiver

Firmware on the receiver and transmitter for talking to each other

Hardware I have

Literature Search for Software Libraries



In the end I went with

The SPort library wanted to use SoftwareSerial and just talk and receive on the same pin, which didn't work too good on the esp32 so I forked it to use HardwareSerial and to swap which pins are which at the right times.

I had to put a 1ms delay before sending a packet, because HardwareSerial doesn't like talking right after a call to setPins. I don't love that, and would like to see it go away or at least get reduced.

In the end, basic kinda working example


gif demonstrating a switch showing up in the telemetry and the controller controlling LEDs

I don't know how to use the frsky transmitter to view telemetry yet, but you can see that in the telemetry config menu it works.