Notes on using API Gateway Lambda Authorizers


TL;DR: api gateway authorizers can't support two authentictaion schemes at once, so $work can't use them

apigateway vs apigatewayv2

No idea what the difference is

http api vs rest api


rest api apigateway

        const api = new apigateway.SpecRestApi( this, `api`, {
            apiDefinition: apigateway.AssetApiDefinition.fromInline(openapiConfig),
            failOnWarnings: true,

http api apigatewayv2

        const api = new apigatewayv2.CfnApi(this, 'MyApi', {
            body: openapiConfig,
            failOnWarnings: true,
        const stage = new apigatewayv2.CfnStage(this, 'MyCfnStage', {
            apiId: api.ref,
            stageName: '$default',
            autoDeploy: true,

Authorizer permissions

        authLambda.addPermission("PermitAPIGInvocation", {
            principal: new cdk.aws_iam.ServicePrincipal(
            // for a normal execute lambda, set sourceArn to arnForExecuteAPI("*")
            // it's the same as below if if resourceName ended up as `*/*/*`
            // auth lambdas are speical though
            sourceArn: this.apiGateway.stack.formatArn({
                service: "execute-api",
                resource: this.apiGateway.restApiId,
                arnFormat: cdk.ArnFormat.SLASH_RESOURCE_NAME,
                resourceName: `authorizers/*`,

openapi config

setting up auth

A lambda can only have one authorizer lambda An authorizer lambda can only AND inputs, it can't OR so if you want two types of authentication you can't really use authentication lambdas

Also, api gateway doesn't believe in basic auth, you have to lie in your openapi config and say it's an api key

    "components": {
        "securitySchemes": {
            "BasicAuth": {
                "type": "apiKey",
                "in": "header",
                "name": "authorization",
                "description": "http basic auth, but aws doesn't support basic so this says apiKey"
                .BasicAuth["x-amazon-apigateway-authtype"] = "basic";
                .BasicAuth["x-amazon-apigateway-authorizer"] = {
                    "type": "request",
                    "identitySource": "method.request.header.authorization",
                    "authorizerResultTtlInSeconds": 0,

WWW-Authenticate header

The responseTemplates is optional, I think it will tell you an error type in a response header, but it's easier to read if it's in the response

        openapiConfig["x-amazon-apigateway-gateway-responses"] = {
            "ACCESS_DENIED": {
                "statusCode": 403,
                "responseParameters": {
                        `'Basic realm="${props.dnsCertStuff.domainString}"'`,
                "responseTemplates": {
                        "{\"message\":$context.error.messageString, \"flavour\": \"access denied\"}",
            "INVALID_API_KEY": {
                "statusCode": 403,
                "responseParameters": {
                        `'Basic realm="${props.dnsCertStuff.domainString}"'`,
                "responseTemplates": {
                        "{\"message\":$context.error.messageString, \"flavour\": \"invalid api key\"}",
            "UNAUTHORIZED": {
                "statusCode": 401,
                "responseParameters": {
                        `'Basic realm="${props.dnsCertStuff.domainString}"'`,
                "responseTemplates": {
                        "{\"message\":$context.error.messageString, \"flavour\": \"unauthorized\"}",